Asking Whether Someone Knows | English Conversation Dialogues
Now, we are going to learn English conversation that talks about asking whether someone knows about something. There are three useful phrases you can use for expressing your questions. Please read and learn useful phrases below.
Asking whether someone knows
Are you aware about…, don’t you?
Could you give me any information about…?
Did you hear about…?
Do you know anything about…?
Do you realize…?
Excuse me. Do you know…?
I wonder if you could let me know about…
Saying you know
I am quite aware of…
I heard so. But thanks for the call.
Yes, Harold told me about it.
Yes, I know.
Saying you do not know
I have to admit, I don’t know much about…
I wish I knew…
I’m afraid I don’t have much information about…
I’m sorry, I can’t help you there.
I’m sorry, I don’t know about…
Sorry, I’ve no idea…
Examples of English Conversations:
Between Friends
Ali: Hi, Bobby. You look tired. Are you alright?
Bobby: I’m quite alright. I had overworked and a real hectic day in the office.
Ali: Oh, I see. How about some coffee? That will refresh you.
Bobby: That’s good idea. Let’s go.
Ali: Did you hear about the latest political developments?
Bobby: No, I didn’t hear anything. What happened?
Ali: two ministers have resigned from the state Cabinet. Rumours say some more will be
out soon.
Bobby: Who are the ones who’ve resigned?
Ali: The Minister of Foreign Affairs and The Minister of Education.
At a Travel Agency
Customer: Can you help me? Do you know whether there is a train to Jakarta this
Official: I’m afraid there is no direct train to Jakarta from here. You’ll have to go to
Surabaya and then take a train from here.
Customer: But I don’t have that much time. I want to reach Jakarta fast. Is there any
Official: Let me see. Today is Friday. Yes, there is a direct flight to Jakarta, at 6.45 this
Customer: Oh, I see. That is good news. Could you arrange a ticket for me, please? It’ll
be a great help.
Official: Let me try. It’ll take at least fifteen minutes.
Customer: I’ll wait. But do you know how much the airfare to Jakarta is?
Official: it’s about three hundred thousand rupiahs.
Customer: Thank you. Now I’ll wait.