How To Maintain Kidney Health
The kidney is one of the few vital organs in the body function as human excretion system so it is important for you to know how to maintain kidney health appropriately.
In the body there are a pair of kidneys is located in the area near the waist. Length of one human kidney organ approximately 10 cm and a weight range of more than 200 grams. The kidneys play a role essential for the survival of mankind, therefore not to ignore how to care for the right kidney.
Maintaining Healthy Kidneys
The role of this organ is the acid-base balance, regulation of blood pressure, stimulates bone marrow to make red blood cells, helps maintain calcium for bones. So the magnitude of the kidney's role for the body, it should maintain the health of your kidneys.
Here's how to maintain kidney health what you should know, including:
1. Set the pattern of eating
How to maintain kidney health-this one is powerful ways that you can try. Choose foods like fruits, vegetables that in cropping with no chemical fertilizers (organic) as well as Shun processed foods, reduce excess salt consumption, as well as konsumsilah fish or white meat without fat.
Keep in mind, too much eating salty foods can disrupt the balance of minerals in the blood. In the end, it can be work memperberat kidneys and interfere with the function of the part of the kidney. Too much salt can make someone more quickly felt thirsty and bloated as well. Discharge of urine that is a little more than usual can also be caused by high levels of salt consumed.
Therefore, in order for healthy kidneys replace processed foods containing high salt with a more healthy foods like meat without fat and beans.
2. Actively moving
Maintaining healthy kidneys can be done in a way that is most convenient, that physical activity on a regular basis. You have to actively move and don't be lazy, because your health can be maintained only with the accustomed to moving the body.
How to maintain kidney health it can be done with regular exercise at least 20 minutes a day. This habit will make your kidneys will remain healthy, working optimally, and to avoid the risk of kidney disease.
3. Keep your weight
How to maintain kidney health further is to maintain ideal body weight. In addition to affect the emotional state, the excess body weight (especially obesity) is not very good for health because the organs will work harder, including kidney that eventually will make it a weak performance.
4. Avoid some drugs and supplements
How to maintain kidney health others to watch out for is reducing some of the particular drug. Seek not taking some antibiotic drugs and antinyeri. Both these drugs risk can damage the kidneys.
In addition, the General non-prescription drug pills such as ibuprofen and naproxen (NSAIDS) can cause kidney damage if consumed too regularly for a long period of time. Alert is also the use of supplements and herbal remedies. Excessive consumption of several herbal extracts and supplements certain vitamins can be dangerous for your kidneys.
Before mengonsumsinya drugs or supplements, you should consult on the use of these drugs with a specialist first.
Need to be a concern, as you get almost all the organs of the body will experience a decrease in function, as well as in the kidneys. Therefore, there is no harm in applying means of keeping Your Kidney health as already described above in everyday life.
5. Avoid alcohol consumption and smoking
How to maintain kidney health is another activity by avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption, as both can cause damage to the lungs and kidneys. Therefore, how to care for your kidneys to do is reduce the consumption of alcohol and does not smoke.
6. blood pressure Control
Kidney disease turned out to be triggered from a high blood pressure. A study reveals, that 35% kidney disease caused by high blood pressure. When the forces of high blood flow, blood vessels are stretched so that the blood flows more easily. However, this left scars stretch and weaken the blood vessels throughout the body, including the kidneys.
In order to prevent pressure and so that the kidney is healthy, you can choose foods that are high in potassium can help keep blood pressure stable. Potassium is found in avocados, potatoes, bananas, milk, and fish.
7. Drink plain water with enough
White water 6-8 drink a glass a day. It's very good to keep and care for the health of your kidneys. Meet the white water is one way of maintaining healthy kidneys.
If the intake of fluids in the body would be sure, then flow to the kidney will also be good. If there is a decrease in blood flow to the kidneys, so he can make a worsening kidney function. In addition, if you are in pain, so don't get You dehydrated, because dehydration can it be memperberat working kidneys.
With sufficient fluid body needs, you can also avoid urinary tract infections. Urinary tract infection generally occurs due to bacteria. If the infection is left untreated then the infection-causing bacteria can move up and infect the kidneys causing kidney function is impaired.
The simplest way to prevent urinary tract infections i.e. by drinking at least eight glasses of water to taste every day and keeping hygiene urethra.
Please note, for people who are healthy, reproduce water good for health. However, it is not valid on chronic kidney sufferers. They have to keep the intake of water in his body because of a kidney condition.