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Learning English Conversation

Learning English conversation is one of the most important parts of learning English language. As we know, nowadays English is International language in the world. So, I think learning English is very important for us in order to be able to communicate with foreign people or tourist. Basically, if we study English, we will study about English grammar, English conversation, listening, pronunciation, vocabularies, and translation as well.

At this time, we are going to discuss learning English conversation. In order to speak English grammatically without ignoring several points that I have already told about, we can practice to speak English by reading the dialogues and forming the habit of memorizing vocabularies, practicing our pronunciation, and combining elements of the English science. In other way, we should be able speak English politely and speak based on the rules of English Grammar.

In learning English conversation, some Universities, schools, private educational agency, or the teachers may divide into three levels so that they are able to manage and maintain the ability of the students orderly. They are:

1.         Basic English Conversation
3.         Advanced English Conversation

Three levels above are contained the dialogues as the examples of English conversations which may be used in daily communication. You can used them as the practice materials by reading the dialogues and then you can invite your partners for practicing even playing a role plays and making up your own ideas in conversation.

The key of succeed in speaking English is you have to be brave, I mean you have to rise your self-confidence to communicate with your partners, teachers, or even the foreign people that you have never known before. These tips and information are especially dedicated to students or English learners which are used English as their second language (ESL).

I am Indonesian, and I like English language so much. Some music and movies inspired me to learn English. Besides that, I also consider that English language is very important to be learned. I share this article willfully to invite people start loving English language, to give the information and articles I have, especially for people who want to learn English conversation.

Based on my experiences before, I have taken English literature as my major in the University. English language is very rich of vocabularies, they are more than 1 million words I think. So, I suggest you to buy English dictionary. You can use it to memorize and enrich your vocabularies. It is very hard indeed, but if you have an intention to do that, you will start to read, memorize, practice and you will able to speak English.

I wish this article would be useful for everyone who wants to learn English conversation. I would like to apologize if I have some mistakes or mistyped in arranging this article because I am just an ordinary man who always study what should be learned and try to improve my abilities.

Thank you.